Rebirth Control Cubase Mixer Map
This mixer map controls the functions of Rebirth 2.01. Once you sort out any latency issues it should provide accurate recording and playback of changes to mix, filtering, instrument selection, etc. on Rebirth (all of the little knobs). You will get better control than by trying to operate the virtual controls of Rebirth "on the fly". In the course of writing this map I found a couple of errors in the Rebirth MIDI spec. If you spot them you are a smartass like me!
If you don't understand mixer maps then you should try to find out about them. This one is really useful for Rebirth users.
This is What to do
- For this mixer to work on a single PC you should have Hubi's Loopback Device installed. This applies even if you have the latest verions of Cubase (after v. 3.553) which have ReWire.
- Assign the midi output of each object in the mixer map (yes, all 128 of them. This is the tedious bit, although you could alter the loopback's position using the Setup MME program.) and the Midi in of Rebirth to the loopback device. Make sure both the Midi out of every object in the mixer map and the Midi In of Rebirth are set to the same Midi channel (the mixer map is set up to use channel 16. If you use this channel it will save changing channel on 128 objects).
- If you are using Cubase 24 (post v. 3.553 on PC) with ReWire you do not need to worry about synchronisation as it is taken care of automatically. But of course you have to remember to enable Rewire in the Audio drop down menu. Those who (like me) don't have a powerful enough computer for Cubase 24 and therefore have no access to Rewire should assign the clock output of Cubase to the loopback device and enable Midi clock in on Rebirth. If you are using Rewire disable the clock out on Cubase and the clock in on Rebirth (if enabled).
- Another way of using this Mixer Map is by running Cubase on a separate computer. This avoids CPU strain and is yet another use for that old ST.
- Don't forget to put an empty bar or two at the beginning of the song so the two programs get a chance to sync up.
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