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All Cubase mixer maps at this site have now been converted for display on a PC. The down side is that they will look rough on ST, but that's progress.

All samples are 16 bit at 44.1 kHz, normalised to -0.9dB and trimmed. They all begin and end at -inf dB for click-free looping. You can download MP3 versions for preview purposes.

There are also a lot of samples of single drum hits in the Rebirth Mod construction kits (in .aif format). Ignore the names of these samples; the fact that a file is called TR808CB.aif does not mean that it is a TR808 cowbell sample. That name means that Rebirth places that file in the TR808 cowbell slot. So if you use these samples you should rename them.

Be sure that you read any text or HTML descriptions of the downloads available at this site if they exist. They can be found by going to the Information Page. There may be crucial information amongst the waffling. Often there will be text files in the zips. Check them out as well. Occasionally they contain additional help.

Finally, if you are downloading anything from this site please take the time to sign our guest book.

Thanks for visiting Balanced Output.

I have also cobbled together a demo track using only (but all of) these sample loops, and two of the single samples. You may want to listen to it...or not.

  • You can download the MP3 version HERE (2796 Kb).

  • You can download the Real Audio version HERE (876 Kb).

  • About
    Software for Atari ST

    Coming soon (hopefully)...

    • More Sounds & Mixer Maps

    • More Samples

    • More MP3's

    • More Lots of Other Things

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